welcome to be bwiti, where real change happens!

Ready to take the deepest journey to self? To know who you truly are?
Iboga can take you there! This experience goes beyond mere exploration; it is a unique journey toward authenticity and healing. It will bring clarity and a renewed sense of direction in life. It can help you break free from negative thought patterns and develop healthier, more positive habits. It guides you towards deep emotional healing and a clearer understanding of one’s path forward.


THE PROVIDERFernanda is a traditionally trained Missoko Bwiti Iboga provider who trained under 10th Generation High Shaman Moughenda Mikala in Gabon, Africa. After completing the training she received the blessing from Moughenda to bring Iboga medicine and the Bwiti Tradition to the West to help reach people in need of healing. Work that she cherishes and consider a great honor.Fernanda is NOT a shaman, she is a Iboga Bwiti Provider. In Bwiti Tradition, to become a shaman or "Nima" is a very long and arduous path that typically starts in childhood. It carries with it multiple initiations, a vast understanding of the plant and animal life in the jungles of Gabon and a lifetime of immersion in the Bwiti Tradition as well as decades of experience.Iboga Providers are chosen and approved by the medicine to go thru training and become its bridge to whomever is looking for healing.THE SHAMANMoughenda Mikala, 10th generation Bwiti Shaman, stands as the first shaman to welcome foreigners into the fold of this ancient tradition. With over 30 years of experience and thousands of individuals initiated into Iboga and trained the most successful international Iboga providers outside of Gabon since 2012. He developed a groundbreaking system that marries Bwiti shamanic practices with the needs of Western psychology. This system, now a cornerstone for many Iboga practitioners worldwide, offers a unique pathway to healing and spiritual growth.LINKS


WHAT IS IBOGA?Iboga (Tabernanthe iboga) is an evergreen shrub native to western equatorial Africa, particularly Gabon. Used for thousands of years by the Bwiti people, it is one of their most powerful plant medicines.Iboga is often revered as the supreme entity among plant medicines, with unparalleled healing power. This master plant harmoniously embodies both masculine and feminine spirits. Its medicinal essence is extracted from the bark of its root, symbolizing its innate ability to address the "root" of ailments directly. Like the process of weeding, where removing the root is essential to prevent regrowth, Iboga operates on a similar principle. Its intelligence allows it to pinpoint precisely what requires healing, facilitating profound transformations within the individual.Iboga is unique as the only known plant medicine to offer complete healing across the physical, mental/emotional, and spiritual levels. It transcends communication barriers by resonating with the language of truth, engaging with each person through their personal experiences and life journey.WHAT IS IBOGA NOT?Iboga is not a magic pill. Iboga works with you and will not take your free will, therefore, a true readiness and willingness is required. Iboga meets you halfway and can only assist your healing as far as you are willing to help yourself. Oftentimes, this means being willing to see the truth that lies at the core-center of your wounding and then powerfully committing to making an ongoing set of new choices, based in truth, that will lead to a new landscape of happiness and peace of mind.Iboga is not Ibogaine. Ibogaine is found in Iboga but is just one of the active alkaloids. Ibogaine being an extracted alkaloid lacks the spirit of Iboga, therefore being beneficial for physical and detox healing, but not spiritual.WHY IBOGA?Free yourself from physical, mental, and spiritual blockages that limit your joy and inner peace. Healing across these dimensions sparks profound transformations in all areas of life, bringing trauma release, mental clarity, deeper connection to oneself, and a renewed outlook on life.Clear your mind to see what your heart truly desires. This message is for those who may not have faced major hardships growing up but still struggle to find what makes them happy or to lead a life filled with joy and peace. Mastering your thoughts and learning new things is about discovering your inner strength.HOW DOES IBOGA WORK?Iboga puts you in a theta dream-like state so you can view yourself and your life objectively without emotional attachment. This allows you to address experiences and traumas that you are aware of as well as any blind spots that you are not seeing clearly. It is also the most powerful detoxifying plant medicine in existence and has the capacity to completely cleanse the body and mind and heal the soul.
Once the body and mind are cleared, you are able to move on to the spiritual healing and spiritual discovery portion of the retreat. Because Iboga is a visionary plant medicine, it only shows you Truth. It does not give you false hallucinations that are confusing or hard to interpret. It brings you deep within yourself and helps you to understand your life.
Trauma and PTSD
Depression and Anxiety
Traumatic Brain Injury
Negative Pattern Disruption
Release of Unhealthy Attachments
Grounding and Centering
Connection with Your True Self/Soul
IS IBOGA SAFE?When practiced correctly, Iboga is absolutely safe. However, it is not for everyone. Before participating in an Iboga retreat, all clients must go through rigorous medical screening to ensure there are no contraindications to the medicine. Every client must provide a recent EKG and full blood panel showing results within safe range before taking Iboga medicine. In rare documented cases where medical intervention was needed, findings show that traditional protocols were not followed and clients were not properly screened. This is why it’s imperative you choose a provider who is traditionally trained and works within the integrity of Iboga and the Bwiti Tradition.HELPFUL LINKS


Bwiti translates to “the study of life” or “the school of life” and those that follow the Bwiti tradition are simply students of life. Iboga medicine and the Bwiti tradition do not belong to a specific group or race of people and is open to anyone who approaches it with respect and humility. It is said in Bwiti Tradition that there is no Bwiti without Iboga, and no Iboga without Bwiti - as the two are inseparable necessary components to attain proper and complete healing.In the Missoko Bwiti tradition, Missoko being original form of the tradition that has been preserved, unchanged, and passed down for generation upon generation, Iboga is not merely a plant but a spiritual entity guiding practitioners toward a deeper awareness and understanding of themselves. This symbiotic relationship is so essential that separating Iboga from Bwiti would strip it of its essence and power.The ancient teachings of Bwiti, passed down to the early Bwiti people by the Spirit of Iboga, serve as invaluable keys to achieving lasting healing and serenity. They contain fundamental truths that illuminate the essence of life, human identity, our deeper purpose, and the workings of the mind. It is not so much about acquiring new knowledge, but rather about rekindling an intrinsic understanding on a natural and foundational level, both individually and collectively.These teachings function like a finely tuned set of maintenance tools that, when used, foster daily joy and peace of mind. Their timeless relevance stems from the unchanging nature of human beings, whether 10,000 years ago or in contemporary times. The reason these teachings could be applied to the humans of 10,000 years ago and to the humans of the modern-day is that although the world around us changes, the nature of human beings never changes. The way the human mind works never changes. The truth never changes. The teachings are refreshingly simple and easy to grasp (as the truth always is).For the Bwiti, there is only one prayer and that is “thank you for this day.” The Bwiti truly understand the gift that is life and celebrate the rising of the sun each day as it means the opportunity of another day to enjoy the gift of life.


An Iboga retreat is an invitation and an opportunity to uncover the truth about who you are, and what stands in the way of you living the life you want. In the Bwiti Tradition, we know there is time for work, time for play, and time for healing. A retreat is your dedicated TIME TO HEAL! Come and make it count.A retreat is 6 days long and includes: two ceremonies, one spiritual shower, nutricious meals, comfortable lodging, 24/7 support during stay, Bwiti Teachings, 1:1 counseling as needed, and post retreat/integration support.All guests are required to fill out a Health Questionnaire, as well as provide a recent EKG, Liver panel and Complete blood count (CBC). This ensures there are no medications or health issues known to be contraindicated to the medicine.We are located in the state of Illinois (about 45 minutes from O'hare airport). Location details are disclosed upon successful application.


Day 1: Arrival/Ceremony day (physical/mental detox ceremony)
Day 2: Processing day
Day 3: Integration day
Day 4: Ceremony day + spiritual shower (spiritual healing ceremony)
Day 5: Processing day
Day 6: Integration day (and also Departure)


Februarycontact us for dates
Marchnot yet available
Aprilnot yet available
Maynot yet available
Junenot yet available
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Septembernot yet available
Octobernot yet available
Novembernot yet available
Decembernot yet available